Saturday, September 14, 2013

San Francisco!

After a 12 hour drive from Salt Lake City, we arrived at Terry's brother's house in Menlo Park, just outside of San Francisco. On the Donner Pass, on the summit of the Sierras, we went through a small flurry of snow and wet our appetites for the coming ski season. We are happy to be having a break from long days on the road and a chance to settle in to visit friends and family for about a week. The weather is gorgeous!

                                                            Terry's childhood home:

                                                     We spent a fun day in Santa Cruz

                                                     A Cave woman attack? LOL!!

                                                     Terry communing with his brethren

                                                         The Santa Cruz beach


  1. Did you see all the seals under the pier at Santa Cruz?

  2. We saw some sea lions, but didn't go to the pier. We didn't know they were there until after we had been there. :-(

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