Friday, September 6, 2013

We've left the country

Yesterdays events are detailed in the 3 pictures below.  We awoke at the Trapper Inn, drove all day thru flat prairies, and saw a nice sunset.  Not particularly exciting.  We did pass into Canada.

We were driving thru a booming area though.  OIL COUNTRY.  Half the vehicles on the road (and these roads in the middle of nowhere were full) were all types of big rigs carrying all kinds of things.  49% of the vehicles were big, dust covered pickup trucks.  The other 1% were vehicles like ours, family cars.  I recall seeing 2 small sedans each carrying an elderly person.  They are building like crazy here, widening the 2 lane roads and building housing for all the workers.  It reminded me of the gold rush days.  Looking for a hotel last night was interesting.  We were in a small town (on very few maps) that had lots of hotels, many very large and new.  Yet NO rooms available anywhere.  The lots were all jammed with the large dirty pickups.

After deciding to drive on to Edmonton, we did see a place with a vacancy sign.  It turns out the guy had to unexpectedly leave just before we got there.  We even had to wait in the car as the owner was cleaning the room.

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