Tuesday, September 10, 2013

finished our "understanding women, unlocking the mystery" workshop

We finished the PAX "Understanding Women, Unlocking the Mystery" weekend workshop last night.  So we now are experts on how women work.  What would you like to know?

The basic premise of the class is that men and women are different, the opposite of what they teach in school these days.  And the differences in the way men and women see and comprehend the world are so vastly different, that we can't even begin to understand how the other sex works.  So when we assume/guess that they work/think like us, we totally misunderstand each other.  For instance, how many guys would even guess that most women are fearful most of the time and constantly hear inanimate objects yelling at them? And how many women understand that a man will usually answer a question you ask him if only A) you give him time to answer, and B) he wasn't focused on anything else when you asked.

This workshop opened my eyes to a world I never knew existed and allowed me to better understand many times in the past where I was completely confused by women's actions and reactions.

We have crossed back into the US and made it to Bozeman, Montana where we have spent some time with Ashara's son Nathan.  Tomorrow is still up in the air.

The picture was taken along our drive thru Montana, and we believe the bird to be an Osprey.  If we guessed wrong, please let us know.


  1. My microwave yelled at me that I should post! So "HI" I'm enjoying your travels. Steer clear of CO

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
