Saturday, August 31, 2013

Omega Institute

We have made it to Omega Institute for Ecstatic Chant Fest.  We have been chanting, eating, and Terry went for a kayak around the lake.

Friday, August 30, 2013

A full car!

We are taking Josh's huge beanbag chair to him in San Francisco, so the first leg of the trip the entire back of the car is filled with that. We were able to get everything else in the back seat, so we are all set and ready to go!

We're on our way!

We kicked off the BIG ADVENTURE by going to a kirtan with Jai Uttal, Daniel Paul and Gaura Vani, all of whom stayed at the house last night. It was a wonderful night! We're gearing up for 3 days of chanting at Omega Institute, starting tomorrow. Will Terry make it out alive? Stay tuned....

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

It begins.......

We're so excited to begin our adventures together, and we thought many of you would like to follow us as we go. Countdown: 16 days to our first big adventure together- A cross country trip from late August to mid October!